Rustic Peach Pie


Our spin on a classic peach pie, with a rustic pastry, creme pat and fresh roast peaches. Reheat at home and enjoy!


  • 24 - 48 hours notice is required for all pick up orders (depending on size and quantity)

  • Earliest pick up time is 730am.

  • Latest pick up time is 3pm.

  • Please ensure you enter an accurate pick up time as we make our orders as fresh as possible to the assigned time so if you arrive early, it may not be ready.å

Pick up Currumbin

Our spin on a classic peach pie, with a rustic pastry, creme pat and fresh roast peaches. Reheat at home and enjoy!


  • 24 - 48 hours notice is required for all pick up orders (depending on size and quantity)

  • Earliest pick up time is 730am.

  • Latest pick up time is 3pm.

  • Please ensure you enter an accurate pick up time as we make our orders as fresh as possible to the assigned time so if you arrive early, it may not be ready.å

Our spin on a classic peach pie, with a rustic pastry, creme pat and fresh roast peaches. Reheat at home and enjoy!


  • 24 - 48 hours notice is required for all pick up orders (depending on size and quantity)

  • Earliest pick up time is 730am.

  • Latest pick up time is 3pm.

  • Please ensure you enter an accurate pick up time as we make our orders as fresh as possible to the assigned time so if you arrive early, it may not be ready.å

Large Seasonal Berry Tarte
Strawberry Muffin Top Pie
Baked Ricotta Cheesecake
Lemon Butter Cake